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Imagine life without your daily bodily pains

A 12 week coaching program to overcome your foot, knee, back or shoulder pain for good

Are you trying to avoid surgery?

Want to increase your mobility?

Are the injuries slowing your progress?

Do you just want to level up your body?

Do you experience any of the following?

Ankle pain

Knee pain

Hip pain

Back pain

Shoulder pain

Foot pain

Let's take an approach together to solve what's actually causing your pain!

So what sets this coaching program apart from everything else I've seen?

Get a customized 12 week program with outlines and visuals to guide you to pain & injury free living

Build your new foundation through a natural ground up approach to recovery

Instead of treating symptoms, we'll find the underlying source of your problems

Capitalize on overcoming your problem by starting your strength progression process

A custom made program for your lifelong health and longevity

So what sets this coaching program apart from everything else I've seen?

'One size fits all' protocols for recovery are completely ridiculous. As someone with a long background in PT & Rehab I've realized that this blanket approach is far from the equation of success.

Are you someone who sees my content and is interested in preventing injury? I offer bulletproof programming that is individualized to YOU. You will receive a foundational approach to living in an optimal movement machine.

Custom tailored for you

Get a customized 12 week program with outlines and visuals to guide you to pain & injury free living

Recovery from the ground up

Build your new foundation through a natural ground up approach to recovery

Find and fix your actual problems

Instead of treating symptoms, we'll find the underlying source of your problems

Start your first day of recovery

Capitalize on overcoming your problem by starting your strength progression process

Simple changes can change your life...
here's how it changed Boyd, Matt and Luke's.

Wanted to thank you...those videos you send have been life changing. I've come to understand how weak my feet were and it's clear by strengthening my feet and actually using them rather than landing on them is going to make me better in many ways. I can't wear regular sneakers anymore they're the most uncomfortable things ever now.

Matt Izzo

Transformation Coach

I neglected my feet for most of my adult life by wearing tight narrow shoes most of the day. I developed a bad case of plantar fasciitis and I reached out to Austin. He suggested that I go through his 12 week Back to Barefoot program. Initially, getting into barefoot shoes did take some getting used to, but I could feel my feet more engaged throughout the day, especially during workouts. After one month, my plantar fasciitis had disappeared. After a few months, wearing normal shoes made my feet and back hurt due to being in an improper pelvic tilt. A year later and this is the only shoe I'll ever wear again. My feet are stronger, my lifts have gone up and I feel much better!


Crossfit Athlete

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Learn how your shoes have been causing degenerative body breakdowns and how you can easily fix it today

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